Wednesday, April 2, 2008

American Idol - An offer

Last night my dear friend Roxanne Peri, one one countries great handwriting analysts called me. She was on her evening walk and we had time for a chat. She asked if I had been watching American Idol and what did I think. I told her that I cannot stand to watch, that I cannot listen to really beautiful voices screaming and belting and tearing themselves to threads and listen to the audience getting crazy about it. What bothers me the most though is that the world, or perhaps America thinks that this is what singing is all about and if you get on American Idol than it must be good, right, extraordinary, exciting etc.

In my opinion this is false....the voices selected are " the best" of what they can find out there. That is pitiful. I understand why we, the singing industry as well as the listening public, are in trouble.

A few months ago an "opera" Singer won in England. Pavarotti ( may he rest in peace) would turn over in his grave to have that kind of singing called "opera" - a dilettante, an amateur with terrific potential yes, but certainly nothing that could be put up as an example to millions of young people who strive to become professional singers. There is no line, no expression, there is no technique to stand on - an instrument must be tuned properly to be able to play at it's best.

It is a real shame to have the public duped into thinking that in order to make a career you have to sound like that. I would take a voice like that, put it on TV and then get a teacher, a good one to work with this singer and six months or a year later show what can really be done with appropriate teaching. To me that is reality!! That is taking a vocal potential and giving it a real chance. Then get a contract, than make money, then be called GREAT...not to put the cart before the horse.. Let the public realize that voices need to last a lifetime...the whole idea of a few years, lots of money and then gone is like a facial tissue that you use once and then throw away.

Unfortunately that is the world we live in - plastic, use it and throw it out - no respect for the instrument, no respect for creation. Where this one came from, there a a hundred standing in the wings waiting to take their spot. The idea is the moment - the now - Use it, abuse it and good bye. Well, not to me!!!

I am going to contact American Idol and make them such an offer. Let's see what happens.
Would love to hear your feelings about this.



Anonymous said...

Do it, Miriam! Leave them an offer, for sure. I hope it works. The Universe directs everything, but it's important for us to put things in



Anonymous said...

Miriam, I said it somewhere else, you doing this, putting yourself out there, will give me guts and pride. Where are you holding with this?