Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's Working!

It's working ~
Date:5/15/2009 7:58:05 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time

Dr. Arman ~

Just a note the past 10 days, I've read and reread....many times, the is a ritual to spend at least an hour a day with it every day...and
of, course, spoon and egg and book travel with me into the studio.

My heart and mind are full...but so many alignments.
I have 'broadcasted' with email to all my networks...including many voalists/performers, vocal teachers, college produers, Rabbis, etc....each with their own significant networks....and told them to buy your not pass go...just go buy the book..haha!

I have 4 singing engagements coming up within the next 30 days...and I
will probably have some kind of recording from one of them...and for fun of it, will send you a copy...if not, I'll just a copy of a recording ...before and after...every day I work with it, play with it...there are new deepenings, expansions...although there was a significant change even on day 1.

I am so grateful for the drawings in the book as well...I find if I forget any piece of it, and I refer to the drawings, there is some 'energy' there that
causes everything to click again.

The most significant thing for me is this....because I had never had this spelled out before...and all the energy inside didn't have a focal point,
I would get incredible nerves whenever I sang. Now...I'm finding that
the anchor is that I know where to start...and if I lose my way in a mind has a path I can go back to to get on track.

I do find that there seems to be an endless cathedral of colors, resonance, etc. whenever I am in the right place...and I to put gets so overwhelming for me...the energy so intense...that I can only be with it
in short periods of time at any one's like plugging into 2,000 volts of electricity ~ my only passion is that I somehow can be a conduit when I sing so people can feel, on a visceral level, this energy of connection.

I think that all the body work, etc. I've done will be extremely instrumental in helping me assimilate, and play with the energy that seems to be released when I move into the giro.

Grateful ~ Jane Bakken

p.s. I also work with authors and publishers in marketing...and I want to
commend you on doing the You Tube Master Class because I believe that will sell a great deal of books for you...just from me, one person, by seeing that, I have probably increased your exposure by several thousand in a few well worth the 'give away'.

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